January 18, 2013

Machin Competition

You may have read in the comments on the recent Machin Varieties blog post that we were concocting a little Machin competition with real prizes. Well, here it is!

Roy from the Machin Mania website has very kindly offered two Machin booklets, of the folded type, both including varieties mentioned in the Stanley Gibbons catalogue. To refresh your memory a bit, the two varieties up for grabs are: the 'Beard Flaw'

and the 'Repair of Background' variety.

Remember, both these varieties come in their complete booklets!

All you have to do is answer this question:

In how many, and which, colours do we know the 1st class Machin?

A few clues: this is not a Machin:

and these labels do not qualify either:

and finally: one of the colours is not an official issue, but it has been found in that colour.

Think you know the answer?

Well, all you have to do is write your answer using the comment feature below. Make sure you include the most detailed information on number and colours in the comment, and don't forget to include your name and either postal address or email address, so I can contact you.

Please be assured that I won't be publishing these comments on this website, so your information won't be splashed around on the internet.

After the entries have been received I will pick two random winners, using the random number generator of random.org.

If no correct answers have been given, the two answers coming closest to the correct one will be awarded the prizes. So do enter, even if you're not sure about the completely correct answer!

The competition is open from this very moment and you can enter until the 31st of January 2013. Entries received after this date will not be valid. I will not enter into any correspondence with regard to the question, so no need to ask for hints, tips, etcetera!

In my blog post of Friday 1 February 2013 I will reveal the right answer and announce the two winners.  


See yous later

Okay, just to be a bit more specific: Horizon labels do not count nor do any Machin imprints on postal stationery.  All other Machin stamps, including slight varieties on the design, do count.


  1. Replies
    1. Well this is made public? Should we publish the correct answers here??

    2. Yes, that was made public. I get all the comments in before publication and I can decide which ones I put on here and which ones I don't. So I did make the test comment public just in case someone was trying to see whether their message was coming through at all.

      So yes, everyone, please type your answer in this comment section, with either your email or postal address, and I promise you I won't put these up here for everyone to read. After the end of the competition and the winners have been chosen and notified, all comments will be deleted so that no personal details can get published.
